「宗教文化與性別倫理」國際學術會議照片集錦 |
Photo Collection---the 2007
International Conference on Religious Culture & Gender

96.11.24 「宗教文化與性別倫理」國際學術會議全體於慈雲廳合影。
The group photo
of attendees at the 2007 International Conference
on Religious Culture & Gender Ethics,
taken in Tzu Yun International
Conference Room
on November 24, 2007.

96.11.27 會後參訪慈濟園區,於靜思精舍拜會證嚴法師,合影留念。
After the conference, a small group of conference
attendees visited the Tzu Chi Culture Park and met
Cheng Yen in
the Jing
Si Abode on November 27, 2007.
2007/2/9 內政部民政司舉行「臺灣宗教儀規與性別倫理」座談會,並於會中決議召開「宗教文化與性別倫理」國際學術會議(左起民政司黃正雄專門委員、黃麗馨司長、禮制行政科羅世娟科長、昭慧法師)。The
"Religious rituals and gender ethics in Taiwan" forum was held
on February 9, 2007, and the host, Department of Civil Affairs
in Ministry of the Interior, resolved to convene an
international conference on Religious Culture & Gender Ethics
later this year.(From right to left: Huang Lixin, the
department head, [3rd place]; Professor Shih Chao-Hwei[1st
2007/3/5 舉行「台灣宗教女性年」記者會,預告本年十一月將舉行「宗教文化與性別倫理」國際學術會議(左起:長老教會傳道師石素英教授、輔大宗教學系主任黃懷秋教授、昭慧法師、黃偉哲委員、中研院民族所研究員林美容教授、葉寶貴修女)。At
a press conference on March 5, 2007, Cross-Religion Movement on
Gender Equality in Taiwan officially announced that the
international conference on Religious Culture & Gender Ethics is
scheduled for November 24 to 25, 2007. |