The goal

The evidence of widespread discrimination against women has been repeatedly found in the religious community. In order to promote gender equality of religion worldwide, this conference attempts to bring together researchers with interest in related areas as well as religious representatives with forward-looking vision for gender issues across countries, hoping that they can find a peaceful and adequate solution for this vexed question via brainstorming at this special assembly.

The theme of 2007 conference

The idea that “men are superior to women” or “women are inferior to men” prevails in the doctrine and ritual action of most religions around the world, which makes religious groups become a tremendous obstacle in the process of constructing a society with gender equality. Therefore, it is really imperative for us to examine the sex-discrimination phenomenon in different religions around the world and ascertain the reason for it in an objective manner. Hence, the theme of this conference is entitled Religious Culture & Gender Ethics. Moreover, scholars and experts in religion and gender studies from the U.S., Canada, Australia, England, Japan, Thailand, India, Singapore and Taiwan are invited to present research papers or deliver keynote speech for the theme of this conference. 


Expected results

1. Through academic exchanges and rational conversation among the participants, the various specific ethical doctrines and norms about gender issues existing within religious teachings of the world can be cautiously explored, and the historical and current situation of ethical issues associated with gender in different religions can be carefully examined as well.


2. Allow the participants to share their thoughts and experiences about gender equality movement advocated in the religious community around the world. After a full exchange of ideas and opinions, not only can the overseas scholars and experts understand the progress and current status of this movement in Taiwan, but we learn some valuable lessons from them. With these new viewpoints of gender equality of religion, both government and religious groups may gain a deeper insight into this issue, and hopefully, help them to frame their policy of gender equality of religion accordingly in future.

Conference dates
November 24th ~ November 25th, 2007

Conference venue
TzuYun Hall in Hsuan Chuang University


1.       Anyone who is interested in religion and gender issues is welcome to join in this conference. The registration is opening from now until the deadline. Simultaneous interpretation equipments will be provided in the conference for the audience who needs simultaneous interpreting service from English to Chinese or Chinese to English.

2.  Deadline: November 10th, 2007.

3.  To register, download the application form at Buddhist Honghshi College Website( tentatively Chinese only, the English version introduced later!). After completing the form, send it as an e-mail attachment to the conference organizing committee ([email protected]). If the Internet or electronic mail is not possible, request the application form and send it to the conference organizing committee via phone, fax or via conventional mail. The contact information is listed below:

Subject: 2007 International Conference on Religious Culture & Gender Ethics

Attn.: Conference organizing committee

Buddhist Honghshi College

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: No.121-5, Ta-Toung Village, Kuan-Yin Township,

Tau-Yuan County 328, Taiwan

Fax:    886-3-498-6123

Phone:  886-3-498-7325

Keynote speakers of topical lectures

1.       Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

Harvard University Professor Dr. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza is an internationally recognized scholar in the area of Biblical interpretation and feminist theology. She is the Krister Stendahl Professor of Divinity at Harvard Divinity School. Her teaching and research focus on questions of Biblical and theological epistemology, rhetoric and the politics of interpretation, as well as on issues of theological education, radical equality and democracy. She was elected as the first woman president of the Society of Biblical Literature and has served on the editorial boards of major Biblical journals and societies. In 2001, she was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her published work includes “In Memory of Her”, which has been translated into 12 languages; “Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation”; and “Wisdom Ways: Introducing Feminist Biblical Interpretation”.


TopicReligion, Gender, and Power: A Critical Feminist Exploration


2. Venerable Dr. Mettanando Bhikkhu :

As a Buddhist monk and a doctor, Venerable Dr. Mettanando Bhikkhu is one of the most outstanding international figures in the Buddhist World. The venerable is not only well known for his writing and his unique interpretation of the Tipitaka, the canonical literature of Buddhism, he is also one of the most educated and outspoken monks of Thailand. After graduating from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, he went to Oxford University and Harvard Divinity School for advanced study in the religious field, and finally earned his doctorate from Hamburg University. He is one of the few monks in Thailand who makes efforts to promote human rights, gender equality, and the Right of the Child. The venerable has been involved with the largest interfaith and inter-religious organization affiliated with the UN, WCRP or Religions for Peace. Currently, he is serving as the advisor to the Secretary General of WCRP for the Buddhist Affairs, and main representative of WCRP to UN office in Bangkok, ESCAP. In one of his published works titled “Was the Lord Buddha a sexist? ”, he tried to uphold justice for women in Buddhism.

TopicThe First Council and Suppression of the Nuns


Contributed & Invited speakers/Program information

  Brief introductions to the contributed speakers and invited speakers can be found here. For the complete  
  program, please click here.(
be available for download later, please wait!)

Further Questions/Website/Contacts

   For the latest information about this conference, please visit the website at:  or /gender/genderindex.html/

   For any questions concerning registration, accommodation and travel information, please direct your questions to the conference organizing committee. The contact information is as above-mentioned.

Guidance unit: Ministry of the Interior

Organizers Applied Ethics Research Center, Hsuan Chuang University; the Department of Religious Studies, Hsuan Chuang University; the Institute of Religion and Culture, Tzuchi University; Hongshi Buddhist Cultural and Educational Foundation.

Co-organizerFayuan Monastry